L-PLAN wins LIT Lighting Design Award

We are happy to announce that our lighting scheme for the Google Expansion in Berlin won a LIT award in the category Interior Architectural Illumination.

The new Google & Youtube offices & studios are located in Tucholskystraße in the center of Berlin. The design by AHMM Architects London provides for a series of architectural interventions, which were carefully introduced into the listed building to activate the usability of the interior space for Google’s purposes. At the same time, the character of this historic building was to be preserved. In order to accompany and make visible the ‘flow’ of human activities and movements within the building, a light graphic of suspended curved light lines was developed for the horizontal and vertical access areas. At the intersections of the corridors and staircases, the light lines are concentrated into circles and ellipses and become three-dimensional light sculptures in the staircases. Suspended workplace luminaires with a down-light and up-light component illuminate the areas of the computer workstations evenly. In the break-out areas, decorative luminaires with classic technical luminaire design from the early 19th century were used to refer to the building’s construction period from the height of Berlin’s industrialization.

For project photographs click HERE

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